Follow our beginnings… HERE.
And see below for our recent history.
In order to understand the history of Bold Magazine for Women online, we’d have to share some unfortunate news with you. After years of thriving in the world of women’s media, covering amazing news like Women’s Fastpitch Softball, Roller Derbys, Women in the News, Business, Women’s Mixed Martial Arts, Plus Size Fashion, Female-inspired television and movies, etc. the magazine and website was forced into a hiatus due to a website issue. During that time, CEO Christopher Salute earned his PhD and focused on other projects. You may remember our old bold logo and video:
The site, in disarray, lost it’s old URL (, about 24 months of amazing content, its writers, and it’s web-template. What was once an amazing idea over some fried food and a laugh needed to be rebuilt.
Like a Phoenix reborn, Bold Magazine for Women online is back! After taking over 24 month break, we’re ready to charge our coals again and write for you! A lot has happened in the world of women from new books on negotiation inspired by Cheryl Sandburg of to a huge surge in Plus Size modeling success from people like Tess Holiday. Instead of simply observing, Bold Magazine has decided its angle on women’s media is going to be to cater to the needs of women through academic writing, analysis, and market research. Let’s all get together to make sure women’s issues are looked at with the proper lens. It’s our time to BE BOLD!