About Bold

About Bold Magazine

Bold Magazine is a Plus Positive online and print publication that focuses on women’s issues with research backed articles, original interviews, and fun media content. You might remember Bold Magazine from your blog-browsing in which the media powerhouse covered everything from Fastpitch softball to plus size fashion. Re-entering the already flooded media market, we’d like to offer a new spin on current issues. Our old mantra stands true:

At BOLD, you’re not a size, shape, or color. Your clothes are not from anywhere but your dresser drawer. And being “cool” just means being yourself.

Stay BOLD by informing yourself of the major issues.

Bold inspires. Read more about our beginnings HERE.

BOLD Magazine strives to showcase positive role models for plus women, regardless of shape, size, ethnicity, or societal stature. We promote confidence, strength, and self esteem. Our goal is to empower women to be themselves through encouraging and engaging media, informational evidence backed articles, and market research.

So, go ahead. Be You. Be BOLD!

Bold Magazine Online, Bold Media Consulting, Aider Solutions , swagchatter.com, Cambster.com, Mancipe and other

incredible internet-related technology platforms. All of Bold Media focuses on positivity in different areas, mostly for the betterment of Plus Size women.

Bold Media Incorporated is the brainchild of C.E.O. Christopher Salute. Salute who has 15+ years in applicable internet experience in web design, e-commerce, advertising sales, management, operations, customer service, technology training, and social media. He has worked for notable companies like Yahoo! Inc. and KBC Financial, both in a technology capacity. He has an M.B.A. from Molloy College and a Ph.D. in Applied Organizational Psychology at Hofstra University.

Be on the lookout for new and exciting projects from the Bold Media team in 2018 and 2019 as we look to expand our reach! Please feel free to e-mail us with any questions regarding our websites.